BALTIMORE, MD (August 25, 2022) MCB Real Estate, along with MLR Partners and ATAPCO Properties announced the first phase of redevelopment of Madison Park North, located at the 800 block of West North Avenue on August 25, 2022. The project represents a multi-year planning effort to bring generational investment to a multi-block radius on the west side of Baltimore City.

“This community has been waiting for investment like this for decades and I am so proud that we are leading the investment for a new West Baltimore gateway,” said P. David

Bramble, Managing Partner and co-founder of MCB. “I know how important it is to have retail and new residential in this area because this is my neighborhood – the place where I grew up and still live with my family. The level of excitement I feel to get started on this project cannot be overstated and I absolutely love the fact that MCB is proving, once again, that there are opportunities in Baltimore’s often neglected neighborhoods”

The three parcel, 8.1 acre redevelopment will be completed in two phases. Phase 1 will include 120 new townhomes; new infrastructure, including new roads to increase walkability and over $1 million of public right-of-way improvements along North Ave; more open space and green space including increased tree canopy, additional off-site trees within neighborhood, and a new neighborhood park. Phase 2 is slated for a grocery store to create new fresh food access; street level retail; approximately 200 apartments including workforce housing; and up to 100,000 SF office space.

Read the full article on Baltimore Times.


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